Friday, January 22, 2016

Academy Awards Black Boycott

About the whole Academy Awards "black boycott". I honestly don't understand why this is happening. The same thing happened last year with less of an impact but still I remember some people mentioning the lack of black artists in the list of nominees. 
I read a comment here on Facebook somewhere where a person said something I completely agree with. If you aren't nominated it's because you probably didn't make an oscar worthy film. Why does the Academy or any other festival or venue of the sort have to award prizes based on race or gender? When did the Oscars stopped being about art and started being about social and political issues?
I'm not stupid. It's fairly obvious that there is a huge lobby in the Oscars for certain films to win or not but I honestly don't think it's about race. It's about profit. But that is a whole other issue and that one has been going on for decades. 
Furthermore black actors and directors have won many awards throughout the years. And justifiably so. There has been plenty of recognition and not because they were black but because they were amazing. 
Race was an issue in the past. That I am sure of. But that hasn't been the case for some time now. Denzel Washington delivered a fantastic perfomance in "Flight". He lost. Did it ever cross my mind that he lost because he was black? Of course not. 
My conclusion is that in the minds of those who protest there should always be an empty slot to be filled by a black artist. How is this, in anyway, fair or logical? How is that fair to the actor or actress who produced a great performance and didn't get a nomination because he or she was white? Because that slot had to be filled by a black actor...
Seeing these artists crying out that there are no black nominees is something I struggle to relate with. Make a good film, deliver a stellar performance. Earn your recognition. Don't use racism to basically throw a tantrum.
Issues like this only perpetuate racism which is something that should already be dead and buried in the past.

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