Thursday, January 14, 2016

An Obvious Choice? Impressionist to play Han Solo

I've just bumped into this FORBES article claiming that a young youtuber called Anthony Ingruber who apparently does a very good Han Solo impression is the "obvious choice to play a young Han Solo". 

First of all I saw his video doing an impression of the Cantina dialogue from Episode IV between Obi Wan, Luke and Solo and I was not impressed. It wasn't terrible but it didn't live up to the hype the article built up. It was average at most.

Second of all, and the main reason I'm writing this, is that people need to get real. An impression is not a barometer of good acting. An impression is the ability to mimic other people's work. To even consider someone to play such an iconic role (or any role for that matter) based off his or her's ability to come up with a good impression is down right naive. 

Acting is a difficult job. It's hard work. It's the ability to interpret a script and serve its story in the best possible manner. It's a job for professionals. A job for people who have spent their whole lives devoted to the craft. It's a lot easier to be successful on the shoulders of other people's work like in this case. 

Anthony Ingruber is apparently an actor as well as an impressionist. Well then, I would love to see this young actor perform fresh new material based on nothing else but his own work. Then and only then can he truly be judged. Don't get me wrong. Doing a good impression requires talent and work on its own and Anthony obviously worked hard on this but this is not acting. Acting is something completely different. 

A young Han Solo can never be and should never be an impression of Harrison Ford. A young Han Solo has to be the product of a good and competent understanding of the character and the script in question. Harrison Ford's work should only serve as research material and not the entire foundation of the performance. 

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